» Bizim blog » Yeni buluş-Firetrace yangın söndürme sistemi
Yeni bir buluş-Firetrace yangın söndürme sistemi
Kasım 23, 2018
Main Concept and Description of the Firetrace Fire Suppression System
Firetrace otomatik yangın söndürme sistemiis a new invention in the fire protection industry, It is a simple, Kolay kurulum ve son derece güvenilir tek başına oto yangın söndürme sistemi, o herhangi bir güç kaynağı olmadan çalışan, ısı dedektörleri, or smoke detectors, Karmaşık boru hatları olmadan, bu sadece bir basınçlı yangın tespit tüp ile çalışır, and can extinguishing an initial fire rapidly, tam olarak, yangın bastırma ve yangın alarm vermenin işlevlere sahiptir, onun erken aşamada yangını söndürmek için süper yangın adam.
It minimizes the loss and damage from fire.
It reduces our engineering and installation costs to the maximum extent.
It is environmentally friendly and does not have a bad effect on the human body.
It is direct-to-source fire protection and can protect valuable equipment and precision instruments very well.
Yeni tarzı yangın söndürme ekipmanı olarak, it has solved a fire protection problem in electrical equipment, Dağıtım panoları(tablo) kontrol panelleri, hangi kolay konumu yangına neden olmak.
Yangın izi ısı algılamalı otomatik yangın söndürme sistemi, another name we called “yangın algılama tüpü yangın söndürme sistemi”, is made up of a pressurized cylinder, Silindir kafası valf, sifon, ölçü, and fire tube which can release extinguishing agent from the cylinder, its working principle is to use a fire detecting tube which is connect with storage pressurized cylinder to detect fire and can transmit fire extinguishing agent(medya) koruma bölgesi depolama silindirinden (koruma nesnesi). when a fire happens, arasında nominal sıcaklıkta 160 santigrat derece, the fire-detecting tube will automatically blast because of the pressure inside the tube, within a few seconds or tens of seconds the fire extinguishing agent will reach the fire protection zone by fire tube or by another additional metal releasing tube to suppress the fire.
for the protection of more big objects, we suggest using a metal or brass tube to help transmit a fire extinguishing agent to the protection zone, Biz diyoruz “dolaylı tip“.
for the protection of smaller objects, we suggest using this non-metallic fire detection tube to help transmit a fire extinguishing agent to the protection zone, Biz diyoruz “direkt tip“.
The fire tube is also made with particular materials, ve yangın tüpü sert olmalı, anti-corrosive, and leak-proof. it should have an effective heat-sensing function, it blasts to release an extinguishing agent at a rated temperature (normally at 160±10 degrees Celsius), and it also transmits a fire alarm signal.
The fire tube suppression system is excellent in the fire protection industry, especially for a particular application, such as in electrical cabinets, kontrol panelleri, kitchen hoods, otobüs motorları, CNC makineleri, and machinery equipment.
It is a popular and hot-sale fire suppression system because of the following advantages:
1. Ani
it suppresses fire at a very fast speed, from fire start to fire suppression stage, to suppress fire it just requires a few or tens of seconds, it suppresses fire at its early stage, yangın alevi izlemek ve yangın kaza olmadan önce yangını önleyebilir, it brings a completely brand-new concept of fire protection.
2. S Shape Tube-Wrap
Bu küçücük, akıllı, and flexible fire detection tube suppression system can be applied in big spaces and small complicated equipment, 360 ° ölü boşluk içermeyen yangın korumasıdır, and it is applied in a variety of machinery and business and commercial equipment, S şeklini yangın algılama tüp koruyucu nesne ya da koruma bölgesi içinde herhangi bir sarılır.
3. It Has Many Features
One fire detection tube system device normally can cover several protection objects.
It is cost-effective, with less investment for a larger fire suppression effect. mainly reflected in:
yüklemek kolaydır, and short installation time.
“S” shape tube wrap is easy to wrap the fire detection tube.
Herhangi ajan depolama silindir odası gerektirme, so it is space-saving.
A fire tube is a non-metallic detection tube free from the interference of oily fume, toz, electrostatic, and electromagnetism.
Herhangi yanlış alarm neden olmaz.
Sistem hata ayıklama ve bakım yapmak kolaydır.
4. Çevre dostu
no need for personnel emergency evacuation, nedeniyle:
yangın söndürme maddesini doğrudan yangın alevine bırakmak (Yangın kaynağı), the system reaction is accurate and direct-to-source.
gaseous fire extinguishing agents have little bad effect on the human body.
Tasarım korumalı nesneler için yangını bastırmak üzere, it is one-by-one fire protection.
High extinguishing efficiency.
Fire Detection Tube device system compares with conventional fire suppression system
For protection objects, a conventional suppression system is applied in a bigger enclosure space, Bütün koruma oda sel toplam ve koruma bölgesi olarak bütün odayı, it will not be able to solve the fire risk caused by the electrical equipment in the room; yangın algılama tüp sistemi, hem büyük ve küçük bir mahfaza alanı uygulanabileceği, Güç dağıtım dolap gibi, Kontrol Paneli, telekomünikasyon kabini.
Proje kurulumu için, conventional ones need heat detectors and smoke detectors to detect fire and need to connect with a fire alarm system, not able to reach small spaces, the pipeline is complicated and needs cylinder storage space, their installation period is long and not cost-effective; where fire tube system does not need to connect to any fire alarm system and fire detection system, Yangın borunun kendisi, bir yangın detektörü ve bir otomatik bir yangın söndürme cihazı olup, Yangın tüpü tel herhangi bir kabine ekipman ve karmaşık değildir içine yerleştirmek kolaydır, yüklemek de kolay, Herhangi bir küçük alan ve küçük ekipman ulaşabilir, kısa montaj süresi ile, silindirleri yerleştirmek için herhangi bir karmaşık silindirler odaya ihtiyacım yok.
Bakım ve İşletme için, the conventional system needs a fire power supply but a fire detecting tube isn’t needed, conventional systems easily get shocked and affect their operation function in which fire detection tube system won’t, conventional systems need a specialist to make maintenance but fire tube system don’t need to have.
For a safety factory, a conventional fire suppression device and its system designed to flood the projection room, a lot of fire extinguishing agents are used, when the agent is discharging then the personnel must evacuate, The fire tube system is special for the protected objects, Yangın söndürme maddesi daha azdır, when it is discharging there is little hurt on the human body and the personnel do not have to evacuate.
Yangın söndürme etkinliği için, conventional systems work with a fire control panel and other fire alarm components, when a suppression agent runs out there is a 30-second time delay in extinguishing the fire, so its activation speed is slower, which the fire detection tube system can immediate to suppress the fire within a few seconds, Bunu yangın söndürme aktivasyon hızı çok hızlı.
Construction and engineering costs, the conventional ones have complex piping systems, so their construction and engineering costs are super high, in which the fire detection tube does not have such a pipeline system and is easy to install, its construction and engineering costs are very low.
Two Conclusions
So after comparing, Aşağıda olsun 2 points of conclusion:
The conclusion: when the fire protection room’s area and volume are big and many protected objects are over there, then it is more suitable to use a conventional fire suppression system as a fire protection solution; yangın koruma odasının alanı ve hacmi olduğunda büyük ama daha az korumalı nesneler şurada, o zaman bir yangın koruma çözeltisi olarak yangın algılama boru sisteminin kullanımı daha uygundur.
Sonuç iki: when the fire protection room’s area and volume are small, like the electrical cabinet, and control panel, then at these objects it is not suitable to install a conventional fire suppression system, it is better to use a fire detection tube, as it is economically.
To use a Fire detection tube automatic fire suppression system needs to meet the following requirements:
The protected space should be enclosed and should be a single protection zone, we can take electrical cabinet equipment with the enclosure to be one single protection zone.
It is only for protection of the inner of the protected object, and the outer space around the protected object has combustible material, Bu boru sistemi tespit ateş kullanmak için temel gereklilik.
Ana uygulama
Firetrace automatic fire suppression systems originate in Europe and their technology extends worldwide.
China developed this technology about 20 years ago.
And now all over the world use Fire tube automatic fire suppression systems.
Hereby we list out some main application cases below:
CNC makineleri.
Dizel jeneratör.
Dağıtım trafosu.
Yağ pompası istasyonu.
Rüzgar türbinleri.
Fren diski.
Test ekipmanı.
Mühendislik makineleri.
otomatik motor.
Tarım makinesi.
Endüstriyel kamyonlar, cranes, buldozerler.
Akü şarj istasyonu.
Çeker ocak.
Boya ve kaplama üretim hattı.
Kablo kanalı.
Dağıtım dolabı.
Kontrol kutusu.
anahtar dişlisi.
röle istasyonu
kapasitör kutusu.
telekomünikasyon dolabı.
Duman egzoz kapağı.
For more information on fire detection tubes, please consult our technical, satış, and service personnel.