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Yağ Deposu için kuru tozlu söndürücü

» Ürünler » Kuru Kimyasal Yangın Söndürme Sistemleri » Dry powder extinguisher for Oil Depot
  • Yağ Deposu için kuru tozlu söndürücü

    Kuru Kimyasal Yangın Söndürme Sistemleri

    The stress-free ultrafine ABC dry powder extinguisher is a device that quickly suppresses fire. Its fire-extinguishing particles are fine and white, and it can effectively extinguish fires of types A, B, C, E, ve F.

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    Why are dry powder extinguisher systems suitable for oil depot fire protection? Let’s start with an introduction to oil depots first.

    An oil depot is a specialized facility designed to store oil. It is a crucial link in coordinating the production of crude oil, processing crude oil, supply of refined oil, and transportation. It also serves as the foundation for the national oil reserve and supply, which is of great importance in safeguarding national defense and promoting the high-speed development of the national economy.

    Each country has its own set of regulations for fire safety in oil depots. For instance, storing dangerous goods, explosives, and other flammable materials is strictly prohibited. Sonuç olarak, fire protection in oil depots is subject to stringent measures. bu nedenle, selecting an appropriate fire extinguishing system is of utmost importance.

    Based on practice, people have found that several fire extinguishing systems are very suitable for oil depot fire protection, Bunlardan biri darbeli kuru tozlu yangın söndürme sistemidir, hangisi stressiz.

    Technical Data of The Dry Powder Extinguisher

    This dry powder extinguisher has ultra-fine fire extinguishing particles, which makes the fire extinguishing agent spray more evenly.

    Aşağıdaki liste tablosunda, let’s list the parameters or data sheet of this impulse-type ultrafine dry powder extinguisher:

    • Ürün Açıklaması: Stress-free impulse ultrafine dry chemical powder
    • İşlev: Suppressing fire.
    • ürün modeli: FFX-ACT(ACF)3, FFX-ACT(ACF)5, FFX-ACT(ACF8), FFX-ACT(ACF)10.
    • Filling Quality of Ultrafine ABC Dry Chemical Powder: 3 için 10 kilogram farkı.
    • Total Flooding Protection Volume: Ranges from 20 için 77 metreküp.
    • Standard Design Density: 128 için 130 metreküp başına gram.
    • Installation Temperature Range: -40℃ ila +50℃.
    • Time of Releasing: İtibaren 5 için 10 saniye.
    • Spray Residual rate: ≤5%.
    • Voltage for Operation: 3 için 24 Volt.
    • Aktivasyon Güncel: Daha fazla 0.45 bir.
    • Güvenli Akım: Daha az 0.15 bir.
    • Extinguishing Forms: Toplam Sel, Local Application, and Direct-to-Source.
    • Ürün Yaşam Döngüsü: 6 için 10 yıl.
    • Garanti süresi: 24 ay veya 2 yıl.

    Daha fazla ayrıntı için, lütfen bize sorun Kurulum Talimatları.

    More models değişen 3 kilogram 10 kilograms are available.

    Dry Powder Extinguisher Device

    Why can ultrafine dry powder fire extinguishing devices be used for oil depot fire extinguishing? because they have the following characteristics:

    • They are extremely fast fire extinguishers, capable of spraying agents instantly and extinguishing a fire in about 1 aktivasyondan sonraki saniye.
    • The fire extinguishing agent is composed of fine particles, which are evenly distributed after spraying, resulting in high fire extinguishing efficiency, çevresel koruma, and no pollution.
    • Atmosfer basıncı depolama, and require no maintenance.
    • They cover the surface of the flame well, extinguish open flames, and are not easily dispersed by the wind.
    • They separate the oil and air, preventing the fire from burning.
    • Multiple fire extinguishing modes are available, such as total flooding and local application extinguishing modes.
    • The only downside is the loud noise during spraying.
    • They can be used in open areas, including outdoor electric vehicle parking shelters.

    Except for the oil depot, Bu ürün diğer bazı yerlere ve sitelere yaygın olarak kurulabilir:

    • national Convention Center.
    • Spor Stadyumu.
    • Çelik işleri.
    • Nükleer enerji santrali, hidroelektrik santral, fotovoltaik enerji santrali.
    • Halk Sağlığı Yönetim Merkezi.
    • Aydınlatma istasyonu.
    • Kanalizasyon arıtma istasyonu.
    • Trafo Güç İstasyonu.
    • Üretim atölyesi.
    • Tahıl ve yağ deposu.
    • Kentsel yeraltı kapsamlı boru galerisi ve kablo tüneli.
    • liman terminali.
    • havaalanı hangarı.
    • Garaj.
    • Silah Deposu.
    • Yeraltı otoparkı.
    • Kazan dairesi.
    • Doğal gaz basınç istasyonları ve enjeksiyon istasyonları.

    ancak, aşağıdaki yerlerde geçerli değildir:

    • The crowded place.
    • Hassas aletler veya ekipmanlar için yerler.
    • Nitroselülozun kimyasalları ve güçlü oksidanları hava olmadan hızla oksitleyebildiği yerler.

    Please take note of the following important points:

    • Only a professional should handle the disassembly of the fire extinguishing device with proper authorization to avoid any personal injury.
    • It is not advisable to install this device in high-traffic areas such as airports, tren istasyonları, Otobüs durakları, vb.
    • The installation temperature should be between -40 ve 50 derece. Please store the device in a well-ventilated and dry place during storage.
    • Before installing the fire extinguishing device, carefully read the installation manual and verify the list to ensure proper installation.

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