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Minisol Fire Protection Device for Energy Storage System

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Minisol Fire Protection Device for Energy Storage System

Mart 18, 2019

Why recommend Minisol fire protection device for contained energy storage system

In the new energy industry now there is a new thing appeared, we call a “İçerdiği(kaplanmış) Enerji Depolama Sistemi”, so now a container is not only used to load cargo but also use for energy storage and energy saving.

İçerdiği(kapsayıcı) energy storage system is made up of an energy storage container, yalıtım sistemi, havalandırma sistemi, elektrik sistemi, acil tahliye sistemi, yangın söndürme sistemi (fire protection device and fire alarm system), and dynamic loop monitoring system.

Inside the storage container room, all these relative electrical systems will require a good fire fighting system to be a fire protection system.

Every contained energy storage system has with super high cost, so it is necessary to install a suitable fire suppression system, ve bizim minisol aerosol fire protection device tavsiye edilir.

REMARK: ESS, Enerji Depolama Sistemlerinin kısaltmasıdır, ve BESS, Batarya Enerji Depolama Sistemlerinin kısaltmasıdır, they include in-building, kaplanmış, ve kabin içi sistemler, bir Aerosol yangın söndürme sistemi is welcome to be installed in battery room fire protection and is very highly effective.

Kapalı Enerji Depolama Sistemi için Minisol Yangın Söndürme Cihazı

Know something about the Contained Energy Storage System First

birinci olarak, Enerji Saklama Kabı

The enerji depolama kabı oda taşınması ve kurulumu kolay olacak şekilde tasarlanmıştır, inside has ventilation systems, yalıtım sistemleri, elektriksel sistemler, yangın söndürme sistemleri, acil tahliye sistemleri, and dynamic loop monitoring systems, katı ve makul bir tasarım düzenine sahiptir, güvenliği geliştirmek, ekonomik verimlilik, operasyon esnekliği.

It uses good quality steel as material, iyi boyanmış, Anti korozyon, ve köşeye yerleştirilmiş kepenklerle.

Normally a total flooding fire suppression system will have to be installed on the wall or the top ceiling of the container room, A gas fire extinguishing system, toz yangın söndürme sistemi, su sistemi, and foam system all can be applied to installed in it, but as a simple and easy-to-install system, we recommend minisol aerosol and hanging type süper ince ABC kuru kimyasal toz.

For space-saving suggest installing minisol aerosol fire extinguishing system, and for economic and cost saving recommend the small size of hanging type super-fine ABC dry chemical powder.

Normalde minisol aerosol sisteminin bu alana uygulanması ve kurulması daha iyidir..

ikinci olarak, Isı Yalıtım Sistemi

bir ısı yalıtım sistemi is also designed and installed inside the ES container because inside the Energy storage container, there is many of electrical equipment over there and much thermal and heat are produced, so insulation plates and rock wool or polyurethane sandwich panels are always used as thermal insulation materials.

The thermal insulation system should be set on the top, at the bottom, and also on the wall.

Ayrıca, some air-conditioning system is used to control the room temperature.

üçüncü olarak, Havalandırma sistemi

The ventilation system is made up of an air passage, egzoz fanı, hava girişi, panjur, and filter, ana işlevi havalandırma ve ısı dağılımıdır.

This system is always the brother of fire fighting systems and thermal insulation systems, it works together with them to make sure the energy storage system operating well every day.

dördüncü olarak, Elektrik sistemi

The electrical system ES konteynerinin içindeki en önemli sistemdir, including a lighting system, kablolama sistemi, topraklama sistemi, anahtarlama sistemi, and energy power distribution system.

Lighting systems use waterproof, neme dayanıklı, dust-proof lighting to extend its life span.

The wiring system should be set and convenient for maintenance and replacement.

The grounding system uses copper bars, to make electrical cabinets and boxes connect to the ground, kolay kurulumdan emin olmak için.

The power distribution system is with many electrical cabinets and control panels, ve ayrıca diğer birçok elektrikli elemanla, these electrical elements and equipment are what we need to install a fire extinguishing system.

An emergency evacuation system is also necessary for an energy power storage system, including an emergency exit, tahliye kilidi, acil aydınlatma, and exit sign.

beşinci olarak, Fire Fighting System (or fire protection device)

A fire fighting system is very necessary for every energy storage system, every energy storage container or electrical cabinet should set a completely good fire suppression system.

Çünkü yangın söndürme sistemi olmadan, when the energy storage system causes a fire, büyük bir kayıp yaşayacak. Never we should put people’s lives and assets in danger.

Altıncı, the Dynamic loop monitoring system

A dynamic loop monitoring system monitors the operating conditions in the container, dahil olmak üzere: sıcaklık ve nemin izlenmesi, su kaçağı tespiti ve kontrolü, güvenlik izleme, güç kontrolü, and video monitoring.
By using this system we can monitor the running status in real-time, find the system problem at an earlier time, hint the maintenance staff to take necessary measurements to solve the problem, bakım kalitesini önemli ölçüde artırmak, and improve the reliability and security of operation.

Design Minisol Aerosol Fire Protection Device for the Contained Energy Storage System

With all the above it is better to use a fire suppression system with the following characteristics:

  • As a 20-foot, 40-ayak, and 45-foot container room is a very narrow space, better to use a small size of fire extinguishing device for a total flooding fire.
  • Konteynerin içinde olduğu gibi, içine bazı küçük elektrik dolapları ve kontrol kutuları yerleştirilmiştir., better to use a mini-size fire extinguishing device for local application purposes.
  • Konteyner alanı sınırlı olduğu için, the fire extinguishing device should be easy to install.
  • Ayrıca, the fire extinguishing device must be environmentally friendly, aşındırıcı olmayan, su geçirmez, iletken olmayan, ve bakım gerektirmez.

Our Minisol brand of aerosol fire protection device has the above-described characteristics, and we strongly recommend it for installed energy storage systems.

Çin'de bu bölgeye kurmak için birçok vakamız var (mobil enerji depolama sistemi) Brezilya'da, Şili, Avrupa, Singapur, and Australia some overseas mobile energy storage power stations have already installed this kind of aerosol yangın söndürme aygıtı.

Avrupa'da, Amerika, Japonya, Kore, South America Area, etc every country and their government are striving to develop new energy and mobile energy storage systems.

Their requirement for new energy and mobile energy storage systems is increasing every year.

New energy power stations like solar power stations, wind power stations, nuclear power stations, and tidal power stations are advocated by the UN United States, Correspondingly energy power storage systems are also recommended and put into use soon.

There is a huge demand for installing our aerosol fire extinguishing systems in these container energy storage systems.

Aerosol yangın söndürme teknolojisi dünyada yeni bir yangından korunma teknolojisidir, birçok kurulumcu, engineers, and container producers do not know what is aerosol, how to use and how to install it, we are happy to share the newest aerosol fire suppression technology to whom may concern about it all over the world if any question about this special hazard fire suppression please feel free to let us knows.

termo ampul aerosol yangın söndürücü jeneratör 4

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