A distribution room refers to an indoor distribution area with low-voltage loads, mainly distributing electrical energy to low-voltage users.
There are two types of distribution rooms: high-voltage distribution rooms and low-voltage distribution rooms.
High voltage distribution room generally refers to 6kV -10kV high voltage switchgear room; Low voltage distribution room generally refers to a 400V distribution room with 20kV or 35kV station transformer outgoing lines.
The distribution room is composed of electrical components such as switchgear room, incoming cabinet, metering cabinet, PT cabinet, outgoing cabinet, contact cabinet, isolation cabinet, vb.
Because it is a complex place for electricity distribution, it is usually necessary to configure a reliable and efficient fire extinguishing system.
Temperature-sensitive aerosolAutomatic Extinguishing Systemsare reliable fire protection systems that could be applied in the power generator rooms and power distribution rooms.
Technical Data of Temperature Sensitive Aerosol Automatic Extinguishing Systems
Here we recommend thermo bulb-style aerosol fire extinguishing generator systems, the following are the parameters of model 1500ST:
Application Temperature: -40 için +108 santigrat derece.
Ambient Humidity: ≤95%.
Tasarım Konsantrasyonu: 100g/m3.
Yangın Söndürme Süresi: 19 saniye.
Nozzle Temperature During Releasing: Daha az 200 santigrat derece.
Ürün Silindiri: 304 parlatma ile paslanmaz çelik.
Brüt ağırlık: 8.4 kilogram.
Net ağırlık: 1.5 kilogram.
Yaşam döngüsü: 10 yıl.
Yangın sınıfı: bir, B, C, E.
Teslimat süresi: 7 için 15 günler.
More services: OEM, ODM.
ek olarak, Aerosol Automatic Extinguishing Systems can not only be used in distribution rooms but also in small confined spaces, such as distribution cabinet protection, lithium battery protection, vb. The actual usage needs to be calculated based on the aerosol design formula.
It has the following key benefits:
Toksik olmayan.
İletken olmayan.
korozif olmayan.
304 stainless steel cylinder and not have a pressurized cylinder to work.
No need for yearly maintenance and inspection.
Herhangi bir korkunç ortam için uygun.
Yangın söndürme verimliliği çok yüksektir ve yangını bastırmak için çok hızlıdır.
Yenilikçi aerosol teknolojisi, diğer gazlı yangın söndürme sistemlerinden daha iyi.
Kompakt ve kurulumu kolay, even you can even DO IT YOURSELF to install it.