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Yeraltı Boru Galerisi Aerosol Yangın Söndürme Cihazı

» Bizim blog » Underground Pipe Gallery Aerosol Fire Extinguishing Device

Yeraltı Boru Galerisi Aerosol Yangın Söndürme Cihazı

Mayıs ayı 11, 2017

Overview of Pipe Gallery and Aerosol Fire Extinguisher

Pekin Rezervuar Yeraltı boru galeri(yardımcı tünel) was built in 2010 and with a length of more than 5.4 kilometre, is one of the most famous underground pipe galleries in Beijing City, Çin.

Bu galeri 3.5 meters in length and 2.8meter in height, and on the ceiling, there are LED lights, On two sides there are steel shelves that are used for a variety of cable laying, the cables are laid there in order, and every 200 meters there will be an air-vent(havalandırma) insanlar galeride yürürken rahat ve mutlu hissedeceksiniz.

Biz bu yeraltı galerisine boyunca yürümeye şanslı fazla çünkü 1000 duvara monte eden setleri aerosol fire extinguishing devices were installed there also. the device is with red paint and cylinder material of good quality steel and 304 çelik; in the middle ceiling of the gallery our device was installed there and fashioned in appearance.

Under the Complex gallery environment, our device is still kept good and steady, almost brand-new after being put into use for 2 yıl, the leader of the gallery project says our aerosol fire extinguishing device is durable and reliable, Bu bizim cihaz için yüksek övgü, we thank for the trust in us and support.

Chinese Premier Visits and Inspections

Especially, on September 25th, 2015, saygıdeğer Çin Başbakanımız Sayın. Li Keqiang, visited one of our underground projects in Shanghai, bu yeraltı projesinde, we installed several thousands of wall-mounted aerosol fire extinguishers over there.

aerosol yangın söndürme jeneratörleri duvara monte

Ziyaretten sonra, Başbakan Bay. Li Ke Qiang spoke highly of our products, he said that he was happy to have a look at this China innovative and advanced aerosol fire extinguishing device installed in this underground environment, yenilikçi bir üründür.

Şimdiye kadar, our wall-mounting aerosol fire extinguishers have been successfully installed in many underground tunnels both in China and abroad, this is a popular fire suppression product all over the world now.

We will keep on moving and produce and provide more and more better fire fighting and suppression and fire safety products, to society!

Boru galeri sektörü tüm hızıyla gelişiyor. Almost every city in China is focusing on the development of the pipe gallery business.

The government’s policy focus is also on new energy and urban pipe galleries; diğer ülkeler de giderek daha fazla kentsel boru galerisi inşa ediyor.

Why is an urban underground comprehensive pipe gallery so popular? Bizim bakış açımızdan, ana başlangıç ​​noktaları aşağıdaki gibidir:

  • Kent içi karayolu trafiğinin baskısını ve kentsel altyapı eksikliğini etkili bir şekilde hafifletin.
  • Kentsel inşaat maliyetini azaltın.
  • Bir şehrin sosyal ve ekonomik faydalarını iyileştirmek.
  • Reasonably allocate and utilize urban resources to beautify the city.

Fire protection is also an important part of the construction of an urban comprehensive pipe gallery, and we are willing to contribute more to the construction of a pipe gallery.

aerosol yangın koruma cihazı askıya alındı

prime minimal aerosol fire suppression system

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