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Aerosol Yangın Söndürme Jeneratörleri Kablo Kanalında Uygulanır

» Bizim blog » Aerosol Fire Extinguishing Generators Apply In Cable Trench

Aerosol Yangın Söndürme Jeneratörleri Kablo Kanalında Uygulanır

Nisan 15, 2021

Introduction to Cable Trenches

Why aerosol fire extinguishing generators can be applied to cable trenches?”, to answer this question, we need to come to understand the cable wells first.

A cable trench is an underground pipe which used to lay and replace power or telecommunications cable facilities, bazen adını da koyarız “kablo iyi”, veya “kablo tüneli”, birkaç şekli var, yuvarlak biçimde, kare şekli, and arched shape.

Cable trenches usually require fire protection measures, bazıları yanmaz boya ile kaplanacaktır, and some will be isolated by sealing materials, ama bunlar yetmez, the cable trench still easily catches fire.

A cable trench will require a suitable fire suppression system for strength protection, as research results show, most fire suppression devices in the market cannot be able to applied in a cable trench because their size is large, so very difficult to install in a cable trench.

ayrıca, kablo kanalı her zaman çok nemli olduğundan, some common fire extinguisher systems are not able to achieve the installation requirement of the cable trench, because their housing is made from common carbon steel or common steel, which will easy to get corrosion from wet weather, and after some time, Ortak yangın söndürme cihazının muhafazası içindeki yangın söndürme maddesi de ıslanacaktır., o zaman yangın söndürme cihazı nihayet çalışamayacak.

Introduction to Cable Trench Aerosol Fire Extinguishing Systems

So is there any style of fire suppression device suitable to install in a cable trench? cevap: Evet, şimdi burada rol geliyor, it is Minisol Aerosol Fire Extinguishing Jeneratör, bu:

  • Küçük boy, size as small as a diameter of 51 milimetre ve yükseklik 95 milimetre, ve boyut da gerçek uygulamaya göre ayarlanabilir.
  • Dış muhafazası şunlardan oluşur: 304 paslanmaz çelik, in the location of the discharging nozzle is tightly sealed with high-quality Aliminyum folyo, so this aerosol generator is not only anti-corrosion and anti-moisture but also waterproof.

bizim Minisol Aerosol Yangın Söndürme Jeneratörleri have IP67 approvals and have their test report, it is tested by putting them into the water for several hours and then taking them out, testin sonucu: not have any leakage after several hours of soaking in water, it’s qualified, ve başarıyla başlatabiliriz.

Sonuç olarak: that this product is very suitable for application in a variety of cable trenches. We have many installation jobs for our aerosol device in cable trenches, hereby below are some photos to show how our aerosol system to installed in a cable trench environment:

minisol aerosol yangın söndürme cihazı minisol aerosol yangın söndürme jeneratörleri
kablo kanalı için yeşil aerosol jeneratörü temiz ajan aerosol yangın söndürme jeneratörü

Şimdi insanlar başka bir soru soracaklar, in a cable trench it is not easy to install a fire alarm system and place wiring, how can it make fire detection, and how does it start up the aerosol device? bu problem nasıl çözülür?

Product Cases and Benefits

Cevap aynı zamanda “Evet”, as our Minisol aerosol has many activation modes, aerosol yangın söndürme jeneratörünün termal kordon aktivasyonu var, which has have function of fire detection and can start up automatically, and no need to work with any fire alarm systems. How to install our thermal cord type of aerosol in the cable trench? burada bir örnek alıyoruz:

Case of Aerosol fire extinguishing generator

A cable trench with dimensions of 2000 metre uzunluğunda, 0.4 metre genişliğinde, ve 0.6 metre genişliğinde, so in the following we list the steps to calculate how many quantities of aerosol devices:

  • 1. Step one, to calculate the volume, olduğu 480 metreküp.
  • 2. Adım iki, we chose a small aerosol device, that is suitable to install in a cable trench, hereby we chose our model number 300E&TH, with a capacity is 3.0 metreküp, and a design density is 100 metreküp başına gram.
  • 3. Step three, calculate the aerosol fire extinguisher quantity, hereby we can make out this cable trench that needs 192 AW-QH-300E parçaları&TH (bizim 250 grams of aerosol).
  • 4. dördüncü olarak, on average to install our thermal cord type of aerosol fire extinguishing generators in the cable trench, by using our accompanying installation brackets and screws, Neredeyse her 10 meters distance in the cable trench should install one set of aerosol devices over there.

Böylece, We then configured a simple but complete cable trench fire protection solution.

The Benefits

İnsanlar soracak, how such a small aerosol fire extinguishing device can achieve such a good fire suppression effect. herhangi bir gizli formül var mı?
Bunun nedeni, aerosolümüzün aşağıdaki olağanüstü performansa sahip olmasıdır.:

  • Toksik olmayan.
  • Aşındırmaz.
  • İletken olmayan.
  • Boşalttıktan sonra çok az kalıntıya neden olur.
  • Ozon Tabakası tükenmesi Değeri sıfır.
  • The global Warming Potential Value is zero.
  • Environmentally safe and HFC-free.
  • Ekonomik, tasarım yoğunluğu 100 metreküp başına gram, son derece etkili ürünleri.
  • Küçük boyut ve kompakt boyut, ayrıca çok akıllı.
  • Kolay ve DIY kurulum, not only use installation bracket and screws to install but also can use magnetic together with 3M glue to install.
  • Onun konut malzemesi 304 veya 316 paslanmaz çelik, neme karşı olan.
  • It has an IP protection rating of IP67 and has international certificates to support it.
  • It with advanced innovative aerosol technology, hangisi temiz, yeşil, and belongs to third-generation aerosol technology.
  • The main oxidant of strontium nitrate we used is more environmentally friendly than the oxidants of potassium nitrate.

We have several thousands of our aerosol products in a variety of industries and a lot of cable trench projects.

For more details on kablo milleri (kablo çıkıntısı) yangın koruması, please feel free to contact us directly, we will service you within 7/24 bir günün saatleri, and we offer reasonable offers for you.

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