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Suspended Pressurized ABC Dry Chemical Extinguishers

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  • Suspended Pressurized ABC Dry Chemical Extinguishers

    Hệ thống chữa cháy bằng hóa chất khô, Các sản phẩm

    The suspended super-fine pressurized ABC dry chemical extinguishers use a specially fluid and siliconized fire extinguishing chemical powder.
    it is environmentally friendly and causes little damage to the Earth's environment and human body.

    test of super fine dry chemical powder fire extinguisher

    điều tra
    • Thông số kỹ thuật
    • Key Features
    • Ứng dụng
    • thêm thông tin

    Suspended ABC dry chemical extinguishers generally refer to a type of fire extinguishing device that is installed in a specific protective area and is suspended from a hook.

    It comes standard with 2 hooks and multiple mounting screws.

    The advantage of this type of installation is that the fire extinguishing equipment can be mounted in any position and at any height in the protected area.

    theo cách này, the automatic ABC dry chemical fire extinguishers can quickly reach all corners of the protected area and achieve total fire suppression.

    People in the industry know that dry powder fire extinguishers are divided into pressurized and non-pressurized ( Such as Stress-free Dry Powder fire extinguishers). Nitrogen is the driving device for pressurized extinguishers, while the special gas-producing agent is the driving device for non-pressurized extinguishers.

    The advantage of stored-pressure dry powder fire extinguishers is that they are slightly cheaper and less costly.

    Today we would like to introduce the product of suspended dry powder fire extinguishers with pressure. below is a photo of it:

    Suspended Dry Powder Fire Suppression Device

    We would like to introduce and recommend to you the smallest model of pressurized super-fine ABC dry Chemical Fire Extinguishing Device.

    Parameters of Suspended Pressurized ABC Dry Chemical Extinguishers

    • Model or Item: FZX-ACT2/1.2.
    • Khu vực bảo vệ: 15 mét khối.
    • Start Method: Electrical power and thermal bulb.
    • Pressure Switch Function: Không bắt buộc.
    • Phương pháp kích hoạt: Thermally and electrically activation.
    • Thermal Glass Bulb Action Temperature: 68℃.
    • Agent Name: bột hóa chất khô ABC siêu mịn.
    • điền trọng lượng: 2000 gram.
    • xi lanh Chất liệu: Carbon Steel with Red paint.
    • Diameter of the Device: 250 milimét.
    • Height of the Device: 255 milimét.
    • Khối lượng bảo vệ: ≤20 mét khối.
    • Khu bảo tồn: ≤8,3 mét khối.
    • nhiệt độ môi trường xung quanh: -40℃ đến + 50 ℃.
    • Độ ẩm tương đối: 95% không ngưng tụ.
    • Dập tắt Tỷ lệ dư: ≤5%.
    • Nitơ Gas Pressure: 1.2 MPa (20℃).
    • Áp suất làm việc tối đa: 2.4 MPa.
    • Product production location: Trung Quốc.

    ABC dry chemical fire extinguishing device for storehouse

    This 2kg dry powder fire extinguisher is suitable for small spaces to extinguish small space fires.

    So với hệ thống chữa cháy aerosol, dry powder systems have lower costs, which is why many customers choose to install dry powder systems.

    For more details and precautions about the dry powder fire extinguishing system, xin vui lòng tham khảo của chúng tôi hướng dẫn vận hành.

    Hệ thống chữa cháy hóa chất khô ABC siêu mịn

    The dry powder fire extinguishing system is suitable for cable tunnel environments mainly because it has the following advantages and key features:

    • The product is sealed with high-quality aluminum foil, with good moisture and waterproof performance.
    • The product is a non-pipe network fire protection system with a simple structure, which is easy to install in narrow and cold cable tunnels.
    • The product is non-toxic and non-conductive, and its spraying does not pose a threat to personnel safety.
    • The product is non-corrosive and will not cause corrosion damage to electrical equipment and high-value equipment in cable tunnels.
    • Không bị ăn mòn
    • The installation work is simple, just use clamps, dấu ngoặc đơn, and explosive screws to fix it.
    • The product has resistance to high humidity, corrosion, and salt environments.
    • Chịu được độ ẩm cao, ăn mòn, and salty atmospheres.
    • Equipped with manual and automatic operation functions.
    • Just similar to the Aerosol bình chữa cháy, this super-fine ABC dry chemical fire extinguisher is also can work as a fully autonomous stand-alone system when coupled with our THEN máy phát hiện và kích hoạt; TAD là tên viết tắt của "Kích hoạt thiết bị nhiệt".

    It also has a wide range of applications:

    • Bất kỳ phong cách nhà kho.
    • Phòng máy phát điện.
    • The substation and switchgear room.
    • Phòng máy tính.
    • Phòng bảng điều khiển.
    • Battery room and energy storage room.
    • Tòa nhà cao tầng thương mại và nhà ở.
    • Phòng đậu xe ô tô.
    • Cable Tray, cáp tốt, Rãnh cáp, and cable tunnel.
    • Urban underground comprehensive pipe gallery.
    • phòng chuyển mạch.
    • Electric Control room.
    • Electric Metering room.

    Để biết thêm thông tin, xin vui lòng liên hệ trực tiếp với chúng tôi, chúng tôi có thể gửi cho bạn nhiều tệp và tài liệu hơn để cho bạn thấy lợi thế của chúng tôi:

    • Catalog và Brochure.
    • Hướng dẫn cài đặt.
    • Bảng dữ liệu an toàn vật liệu.
    • Hướng dẫn kỹ thuật.

    mẫu điều tra ( chúng tôi sẽ liên lạc lại bạn càng sớm càng tốt )

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